joey jojo
JoinedPosts by joey jojo
The work is speeding up
by bradford ini don't have a great reference point on my observation other than my local area but i was wondering if this was a widespread thing.
... in the last two years in my former congregation there have been 6 people to disassociate for "apostasy," 6 disfellowshipped for various reasons, and numerous ones reproved.
these are just the ones i have heard about.
Just for the record Vincent Toole and Terrence Obrien you are both lying SOBs
by joe134cd ini just thought i would mention this on the off chance they might be lurking here.
the two quotes are.
(1)vincent toole ="i've never heard of the term 'theocratic warfare'".
Rodney Spinks' Performance
by maksutov init seems like there has not been as much discussion here about the rc testimony on day 6 (4th august) as there has been about previous days.
i was quite surprised by rodney spinks' testimony, which was a marked contrast to the bungling and inarticulate testimony of the elders that appeared before him.
spinks seemed reasonably co-operative, and a lot more willing to concede points than anyone else has been.
joey jojo
When I knew Rod Spinks he was a truly 'black and white ' type of witness. He left you in no doubt as to your status in the congregation based on the amount of witnessing you did.
He always came across like he believed he was the smartest guy in the room.
Most of you will probably understand what I mean when I say that this guy is one of the reasons you left the organisation.
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The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
joey jojo
Found the article (not Time magazine).
Apocalypse Later: Jehovah's Witnesses decide the end is fluid
Jehovah's Witnesses decide the end is fluid
From Newsweek magazine, December 18, 1995, page 59. Article by Kenneth L. Woodard, with Joel P. Engardio.
THE THIRD MILLENNIUM is just four years away, and you'd think that Jehovah's Witnesses would be ecstatic. Ever since the movement's inception in the 1870s, the Witnesses have insisted that the world as we know it is about to end. According to their unique Biblical calculations, the countdown to Armageddon commenced in 1914 -- the first world war was a major sign -- and Christ would establish his millennial kingdom on earth "before the generation who saw the events of 1914 passes away." For countless Witnesses, this prediction was good reason not to save money, start a career or make burial plans. As one of their leaders famously preached in 1918: "Millions now living will never die."
Now, it seems, all millennial bets are off. In last month's issue of The Watchtower, the sect's leaders quietly acknowledged that Jesus was right in the first place, when he said that "no one knows the day or the hour." All previous references to timetables for Armageddon, the magazine now suggests, were speculation rather than settled doctrine. The year 1914 still marks the beginning of the last days. But those who hoped to witness the battle of Armageddon and the establishment of God's kingdom on earth will have to wait. Henceforth, any generation that experiences such calamities as war and plagues like AIDS could be the one to witness the end times. In short, the increasingly middle-class Witnesses would do well to buy life insurance.
If this serious revision of expectations takes the edge off the Witnesses' apocalyptic profile, it also buys them time. The generation that was alive in 1914 is rapidly disappearing, and the the sect's current leadership shows every sign of digging in for the long haul. In recent years the Witnesses have been on a building spree: they just completed a 670-acre educational center in rural New York state that includes 624 apartments, garages for up to 800 cars and a dining facility that accommodates 1,600 people at one sitting. Officials of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (the Witnesses' official title) deny that the leadership felt a generational pressure to change. "The end is still close," says Witness spokesman Bob Pevy. "We just can't put numbers on Jesus' words."
So far, the new interpretation has caused no noticeable decline in membership among the 5.1 million Witnesses worldwide. But then, they rarely air their differences with outsiders. "Believing the end was imminent gave a special urgency to being a Jehovah's Witness," says Ray Franz, a former member of the society's governing board in Brooklyn, N.Y., who left the church in 1981. Older members, especially, heroically risked their lives and reputations by refusing blood transfusions, military service, allegiance to the flag and other acts prohibited by their faith -- all with the expectation that they would soon live forever in the paradise of God's new kingdom on earth. Charles Kris, 73, a retired autoworker from Saginaw, Mich., served three years in prison with 400 other Witnesses for refusing to fight in World War II. "It was prison life, but I took advantage of the time to study the Bible and witness to other prisoners," he recalls.
But for Kris, and especially for those younger Witnesses who have no memory of the rough early days (the Nazis interred many Witnesses in concentration camps), preaching God's message is more important than witnessing the end of the world. "I'd like to see it happen," says Kris, who still hands out tracts door to door.
"But if it doesn't happen in my lifetime, I won't be disappointed."Link +2 / -0 -
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
joey jojo
I think I missed the particular study that discussed the changes. ( always a slacker).
I was in my 20's and while sitting in a dentists waiting room I was reading through a 'Time' magazine article with the title ' The end is fluid' , or something similar. I'm still ashamed that I had to read a 'Time' magazine to comprehend what the change meant.
The magazine discussed the new changes and I have to confess, it was the first I had heard of it, even though I was still attending regularly and witnessing. No one had mentioned the new changes to me and I don't remember anyone discussing it.
When you think about it, this WT article should have had a massive impact on JW's around the world and got everyone buzzing. The fact that it didn't proves that most people are asleep or have had the critical thinking beaten out of them with the 'happifying stick'.
Anyone that becomes a JW after 1995 (including born-ins) will never fully understand the expectation about 'the generation' that everyone felt for decades and decades leading up to the end of the 20th century.
The 'overlapping generation' is a concept that makes no sense on any level.
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Kingdom Halls for sale - Australia
by no-zombie inthis appeared on the abc news website this morning..
and here are the halls. is the branch going to sell your hall?
joey jojo
My Grandmother didn't become a witness until she retired from work.
Soon after she donated a large amount of her retirement money to the renovation of her hall in a small country town in rural N.S.W. Australia.
A few years later the hall was sold and the cong. merged with a neighbouring town.
After questioning the C.O. as to why the hall was sold because she felt a bit ripped off that her money was gone with no benefit to her or the local brothers, she was lovingly advised by the C.O. that it was fine and not to 'worry' because her donation was helping with the 'world-wide' work.
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Why Are People Anti-Semitic?
by minimus ini seriously don't get it.. some people truly hate`jews.. and it's not just jews.... gays, christians, blacks, mexicans, etc.
are on the list.. intolerance is a terrible thing..
joey jojo
What is happening in the gaza strip between israel and palestine is a cancer in this world that creates problems far beyond those 2 countries.
Many people on this board would be familiar with the feeling associated with believing you belong to the group that are 'God's special people'.
When you believe that you are chosen by God anything becomes justifiable in pressing your claim and if you imagine that a certain geographical area is your groups birthright, any measures you take are done in God's name, with his support.
Both sides are fundamentalists and both believe they are right.
This isn't really answering your question as to why people are anti-semitic- I personally am not, its just such a sad, sad situation.
Kingdom Hall Bomb
by Dr Jekyll inold news but uncle bruce wanted it dug up.... the guardian.
22nd july 1985.. man killed in blast.
at sydney service.. from richard yallop in melbourne.. one man was killed and 70 people were taken to hospital after a bomb exploded yesterday during a jehovah's witnesses service in a kingdom hall in the sydney suburb of lurnea.. the explosion occurred close to the speaker's dais just as mr. david winder, a visiting elder from the sydney suburb of prospect, had begun his address on loyalty to god and the family.
joey jojo
I know this is an old topic but it has bugged me for a long time.
As a wide-eyed teenager, I remember a C.O. visit a little while after this event and his talk was all about the bombing.
What I remember most from his talk was getting the vibe that there was very little suffering. Only one died (when it could have been worse), almost everyone had their heads down reading a scripture, nails were placed around the bomb to inflict maximum damage but only one sister had a nail stuck in her finger- but miraculously she was wearing gloves at the time. The talk ended in a fashion that suggested that the most important thing was what an amazing witness the event was to the community and those involved.
So basically , although a tragic event- it was all good.
A few years later I attended a wedding and sat next to Sue Schultz and her husband.
My comments about the bombing must have been flippant, or maybe I came across like I played the whole thing down because I remember the shock on their faces when I told them how the whole event was explained to us.
After telling them the version we were told, Sue Schultz's husband said to me - 'it wasn't like that at all'. They then told me their story and what they and others went through and what it took to survive and get well again.
Now that I am a lot older and have had some life experience, it makes me feel very sorry for these ones that went through such an tragedy and are left with life-long mental and physical scars that their experience was played down and presented in a way that minimised what they went through.
Does anyone else remember what was said at meetings after this event? Did you remember thinking it wasn't all that bad?
Victoria, Australia: Steven Unthank's Press Release: JW's Hierarchy Formally Charged Today With Child Abuse
by AndersonsInfo injehovah's witnesses hierarchy charged.
immediate press release: 26 july 2011. link to this press release:
worldwide church hierarchy charged with child abuse.
joey jojo
Hi again,
Thanks for the welcome.
The working with children laws are taken pretty seriously here as far as I understand. For example, even contractors entering schools to perform work need to undergo the checks. The laws are well known and adhered to in general.
Not sure how it will play out but I find it interesting that it clearly states on the Department of Justice site that 'Ministers of religion or anyone performing work of a religious vocation' are required to undergo the check.
Unless things have changed I'm guessing that makes all baptized witnesses liable as all baptized witnesses claim to be 'ministers'.
Victoria, Australia: Steven Unthank's Press Release: JW's Hierarchy Formally Charged Today With Child Abuse
by AndersonsInfo injehovah's witnesses hierarchy charged.
immediate press release: 26 july 2011. link to this press release:
worldwide church hierarchy charged with child abuse.
joey jojo
Looong time lurker, first time poster.
Thought I'd finally pipe up about this subject as I live in Victoria and have followed this thread with interest.
Not pretending to be an expert at all, just wanted to direct anyone who is interested to google Department of Justice, Victoria, Australia and check out the working with children pages.
It pretty much spells out the act and details who is required to register as well as fines for non-compliance.
Not sure if this info has already been posted but hope it helps.